Monday, October 10, 2011

Bears vs. Lions: 10-10-11

BEARS VS. LIONS: 10-10-11

Des: Welcome to a most unusual version of the Chicago Bears football post. This time, we provide live reaction (more or less) to the Bears game as it occurs until my imaginary cast of characters and I get tired of the numerous false starts and call it an evening.

SR: Arrh, Des! Speaking of the multiple false starts, 'tis naught but a clever strategy by the Bears offense to rest their defense.

Des: Of course, the question that is hanging in the air: Will the Detroit Lions win their first Monday Night Game since 1867? Or will their multiple penalties up to this point give the Bears defense more rest than the Bears offense? To answer these and similiar questions will be... probably just Redbeard. He's really the only character developed enough for spontaneous repartee.

SR: Arrh, mateys! Methinks your Concord Peabody character is as underutilized as Kellen Davis. He's had only three catches for the year.

Des: Captain, are you sure that Concord isn't as overutilized as Roy Williams? He's already had three catches this year.

SR: Using statistics for humor be not your strong suit, Des. 67% of fans agree with me. 2 out of 3.

Des: By the way, Captain, Bank of America offers 1% cash back on credit card purchases.

SR: They also charge 35% interest. And people call me a pirate!

Des: Who writes your jokes, Jimmy Fallon? Meanwhile, the Bears have rediscovered the outside run.

Des: Well, boys and girls, this blog post is wasting precious bandwidth that could be used to print off Fun Spot coupons. End transmission.

1 comment:

Car Dealer said...

this is the funniest post of the season.

especially the lines I wrote. :D