Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bears vs. Jaguars: 12-7-08


Des: Welcome to another edition of the Chicago Bears football pre-game show, sponsored by Fox’s new hit movie Quantum of Solace. The Bears face off against the Jaguars after losing to the Vikings. Will Chicago defeat the Jags with a combination of suave hipness and fancy gadgetry? Or will Jacksonville emerge victorious with a nefarious plot hatched from their undersea headquarters?

To answer these and similar questions is our panel of experts: Concord Wainwright Peabody, Captain Silas Charles “Holly Good-head” Red-beard, Modre the trans-Western guru, the Prissy Minion, and, providing a Yuletide perspective, Ebenezer Scrooge.

SR: ARRRH, mateys! After a long day of avoiding the U.S. 5th fleet off the coast of Somalia, nothing goes down better than rum mixed with a dash of Shasta cola… shaken, not stirred. I burned meself with a laminator while creating me own official license to kill: This be an omen from Father Neptune himself! His upset pick this week: the Cincinnati Bengals will defeat the Indianapolis Colts.

Des: Concord Peabody. Who will win today’s Bears game?

CP: Well, the Bears are 13-3 against teams in cities where the mosquito-to-human ratio exceeds 10,000,000:1. Go Bears!

Des: Modre. What are your thoughts?

Modre: In the grand scheme of things laid out by Shuma-Gorath, football be naught but the tiniest thread in the tapestry of existence. Still, I foresee the Bears winning 31-24.

Des: Ebenezer Scrooge. Lay down some angry 19th century wisdom.

Scrooge: Are there no prisons?!? Are there no workhouses?!?

Des: Okay, then. Prissy Minion. What now?

PM: Oh, Des. Your sports insights exceeds that of all other broadcasters combined.

Des: Including the bad ones?

PM: Is there any other kind?

Des: Sit back and watch with your Neckbeard napkin as the Bears face off in a battle that will inspire you to compile a list of all the Bears quarterbacks who have worn the numbers 8 and 18 since 1990.

1 comment:

Tomb Lung said...

I would apply some wisdom from everyone's favorite suicidal dolt, George Bailey:

"Potter isn’t selling. Potter's buying. And why? Because we're panicky and he’s not. He's picking up some bargains."

Wait ... that actually applies to the White Sox, not the Bears.

But soon enough. Soon enough.

The "captcha" for this comment is "apinchti," which is an ancient Navajo word for today's U.S. economy.